10 September 2021
I will disclose this. I am not a Eurovision fan. I think it is a pretty lame exhibition of crummy pop music masquerading as something legitimate. Now of course, I am a moody nihilist from the US and find this kind of music benign and boring, but how does this thing exist? With that in mind, I kinda liked this movie.

It's stupid, it's over the top and it's like a hyper realized world like Blades of Glory or Zoolander. What makes this funny is how blurred is the reality versus the parody? I'm gonna go on a limb and say not a whole lot.

The story begins with the haphazard group Fire Saga, a neo-techno disco group desperately trying to make the Eurovision contest. Well at least one of them is, for it's quite obvious that Lars Ericksson is hung up on the contest while Sigrit is hung up on Lars (which is a huge reach...who would not desire Rachel McAdams!!). Lars is something of a loser, and the way he dresses and carries himself absolutely clashes with the small fishing village he lives in. But by a weird series of events, Fire Saga actually makes the Eurovision finals!!

The story pretty much follows any rom com ever made once they make it to Scotland. Lars makes bad arbitrary decisions, Sigrit is being chased by another man (or is she?), Lars makes a huge mistake, comes back, proves his love for Sigrit and after all is said and done, is content with his life.

There is nothing really special in the second half of the film, but the Fire Saga songs are pretty darn awesome (even if they are parodic). I mean, they trot out all these other past real life Eurovision competitors and you realize their music is equally ridiculous and benign...so is this a true representation?

I will say this, the song at the end is a real banger. I would venture to say if pop music had that kind of heart, I might listen more often. But of course, real pop music is far too easily digestible to be that moving.

Yea, I have taken a lot of pot shots at the movie, but I gave it a seven because of the college students. I hate Arizona State, and the portrayal of ASU male students was pretty darn spot on. And of course, they had to have a self hating Arizona student with them. All of the insults Will Ferrell hurled at them had me rolling in the aisles. Anyway, bravo film, bravo.
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