Wind Chill (2007)
Not Great!
10 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
So, I watch this film thinking it might be good & that it'll be a good watch, but sadly it wasn't.

The film follows a girl who is needing a lift from a guy so she can spend Christmas with her family in Delaware & not spend so much in traveling. But things get awry when the guy takes a detour down a wooded road only for a car to run them off road & have them crash into a ditch. Stranded in sub 0 cold temperatures, the 2 find themselves being surrounded by shadowy figures & a ghostly patrol man who is harassing them.

I found the film to be lacking any kind of actions or interest. While the character development was there & not exactly something I myself care too much about, the action was lacking & boring. The scenes jumping around didn't help with the understanding & the story was too out there. The film itself was dull & lacking any kick. The runtime was not bad at 1hr & 24mins, but the pacing didn't help matters.

Overall, it's not a great film. Just because a film like this isn't a typical horror doesn't make it great.

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