'Let Sombra look into your future'
10 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
A brisk serial with the regular ingredients of car chases, fights aplenty, explosions, capturing, rescuing etc. It mainly concerns a dubious country (not named) trying to get hold of an atomic missile invented by Professor Weston. On their trail are crime writer Steve Colt and crime reporter Joyce Winters played blandly by Bruce Edwards and Virginia Lee. Carol Forman as the villainous and sexy Sombra the seer is the best thing in the serial but good support is given by Anthony Warde as Ward her henchman and Gene Roth as Walker of The Clarion newspaper. Dale Van Sickel shows his versatility by playing variously Bill and Hodges and Smith and Bass.

There is nothing particularly original in 'The Black Widow' but I did like the car changing colour, the disguises and would-be world ruler Hitomu coming and going using teleportation. At the end of each episode I did want to know what happened next so it worked on me serially. Worth a watch.
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