A Cult-like Religion Ruins A Great Friendship
10 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This documentary was sad all the way around. It has a ton of archival footage, photos and soundbites from both Ali's family and X's. The simple truth at the core of this documentary is that Elijah Muhammad was a fraud and a hypocrite, yet, when Malcolm X found out about him having all of those children by underage girls, and started seeing him for the liar he was, that was the catalyst that started him on a downward spiral within the Nation of Islam.

But what both frustrated and infuriated me is how Ali allowed religion to run his friendship with Malcolm X. The documentary showed that X had Ali's back, but it was such a pity that Ali didn't have his when it was most needed. That's why you should NEVER allow a religion to cloud your mind, nor play fast and loose with your better judgement. No religion should EVER be able to dictate to you about your life and who you can and cannot have in it. To me, that's not a religion it's a cult.

This is a very thorough and insightful documentary. It was a little hard to watch because you already know how it'll end, but well worth the effort.

And as a side note, Ali did regret not repairing his friendship with Malcolm X, and he said that was the one thing that he regretted all of his life.
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