Dramarama (2020)
Disappointing execution of a good premise
10 September 2021
Set in 1994, for whatever reason, a group of high school theater kids spend a final night together before most of them leave for college. I was a theater geek in high school so when I heard about this film, I was excited to see it. The film has its moments but, unfortunately, never takes off.

The fault here is in the writing which is more interested in the teens constantly quoting lines from the theater and doing silly accents. After a while, It all becomes very annoying. There is a lot of dialogue in this film but little of it advances the story.

I suppose the main protagonist is Gene, the closeted homosexual on the verge of coming out to his sheltered group of friends. I wanted more of an arc for this character but was let down. The addition of JD, the condescending intellectual high school dropout pizza delivery guy was also a misfire. The character never feels believable which renders his impact on the others as far fetched.

The film has a stagey feel and amateur production values. The acting ranges from very weak to decent. I cautiously recommend this film to theater folk. All others can pass this by.
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