The Perfect Wife (2001 TV Movie)
9 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I thought I'd reviewed this movie before but don't see it here. I liked it. These movies are for fun. If it followed perfect logic it would be boring. I think a lot of people miss the point. Of course it was frustrating that the doctor wasn't catching on to the crazy 2nd wife but he's just off his honeymoon, starry eyed in love and how many people have we all known who can't see what's wrong with someone they are crazy about until it's too late. Also, why would he suspect his new wife of the crimes? He doesn't know she has a motive and he's grieving his losses. It all just seemed like coincidence to him. I thought Perry King was great, as usual and Shannon Sturges was extremely fun to hate. I'm glad the doctor and his first wife got back together in the end or were obviously going to. I thought there were some ironies compared to Kings real life (no murder of course) but maybe only I would notice them being a big fan. He was a producer on this and I saw about 5 things that could mirror some of his real life events. His father actually was a surgeon named Robert for one. Anyway mine is a much more recent review than these others but as I said I liked it!
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