Life Is Strange (2015 Video Game)
Doesn't feel right
7 September 2021
I just finished the "Mass Effect" series and was looking for the next game to pick up. "Mass Effect" was a life-changing experience, so the bars were set pretty high. I had had a list of possible options, and after walking it through, I realized - I do not want to play any of the games from the list until I remembered that there had always been one game on my radar that I meant to play but for some reason never did.

It is how it all started. The moment I launched the game, there was that storm, that heavy rain. The right mood was set within the first seconds into the story. And then the corridor walk followed with the unforgettable "To all of you" song. Wow, just pure "oh my God" dreamy sequence. I think I should not tell you more, experience that probably one of the best moments yourself! Everything about it was right on target.

And from that moment on, it had been pure gold, a deep mature story with impressive graphics, dialogues, characters. Everything was good until approximately halfway through. Then I started noticing things here in there. Small things. None of them were huge. It turned out that my choices did not matter that much. The characters I was supposed to empathize with appeared to be shallow without the needed depth. It all started feeling like allusions throughout the game were going to end up nowhere, without expected characters development, like a small boat under strong currents that can't change its course. Characters kept living their lives when I realized I was observing that process from outside in the distance. It felt like I lost the connection with them.

For me, it just descended from there to the state - "I don't care anymore". The final choice was not big trouble for me. I felt something close to nothing. It did not feel that my voice matters. Me: okay, game, I'm supposed to make a choice here. Game: let me give you a hint - no one cares, you just holding me back from the final credits.

Time to sum it up. Should you play "Life is strange'? Absolutely! It consists of great music, unpredictable plot twists, likable characters, has the right mood. Those elements are waiting for you to experience the game first hand. What was wrong then? I believe that the game doesn't hold as a whole. It's like a mosaic with many tiny elements: too much happening, too many promising plot ties led to nowhere. There is that rule: if you see a gun on the wall, it must shoot at some point down the storyline. But in the case of the game, it did not happen. I appreciate the creators who tried hard and did a good job on the fragments. Unfortunately, when the fragments ended up in a complete picture, it was not looking that great. So I can't call it a masterpiece but rather a promise, and it shows that you should probably pay attention to their next game. The authors of "Life is strange" are capable of creating immersive worlds, it just seems that their best game is ahead and we shell just wait to see it...
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