Did they have script, or just a history book?
5 September 2021
This is really kind of an odd film.. it doesn't really follow Bundy telling his story, nor does it really follow the police chasing him. At first, you think it's going to be more about the female police detective pursuing Bundy.. but your'e wrong.... It's a hodgepodge of scenes around the "theme" of Bundy and the chase without ever really focusing on any one specific storyline. There's no "core storyline" at all.

It seems as though they started with the idea/concept of wanting to portray the sorority house Bundy is infamous for, then tried to pad out a film around that idea. If it weren't for the sprinkles of coarse language, and a single adult-themed scene, I'd have sworn this was "made for tv".

I sat through the entire thing without realizing it - expecting SOMETHING to pick up and be more engaging. Ultimately it's a film which, through character dialog (as in the scripted words for the characters), literally TELLS the audience the facts surrounding Bundy rather than showing them. And its the same story that's been done a million times, only with less detail, less interesting characters, and CLEARLY less direction and money.

This really is at the absolute bottom of the "Bundy films" I've seen over the years.
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