A director that specialises in exploiting real life tragedies for monetary gain, with terrible movies
4 September 2021
First let's not ignore the movie itself. If you are looking for a film to explore the real Ted Bundy, you are far better off watching the 2002 or 2019 films based on him, which are far closer to the truth, and far less glorifying of the killer. They're also actually decent movies in their own right. This is the polar opposite.

This film is almost pure fiction, poorly cast and at times poorly acted. Chad Michael Murray may act okay, but he doesn't act anything like Ted Bundy; he lacks any of the charm and charisma that Bundy was known for, in fact, the character is Ted Bundy in name only as the actual character doesn't represent Bundy whatsoever. There are so many liberties taken with the real facts, people and and events for "entertainment" that they don't fit with reality.

It's ultimately a dull, unremarkable movie that does nothing to explore the real Ted Bundy, his crimes, or his victims, but instead uses the Ted Bundy name in a desperate attempt to get money through a work of fiction that uses his name for marketing.

If this had been a thriller that didn't try to cheaply cash in on the name of a real-life serial killer, it still wouldn't be great, but it might have received another star or two. However, Mr. Farrands knows exactly what he's doing.

This isn't the writer/director's first exploitation of fictional films about real life tragedies for his personal gain. He has now produced 5 films based on real-life crimes, with one more in post-production. Many of those still have living persons, either related or victims themselves of those tragedies, that this man is exploiting for a cheap buck and absolutely no regard for the truth or the people involved who suffered, and continue to suffer. He merely uses notorious people, crimes and tragedies to create his own fictional stories. It's even worse in the fact that they're not even good films in their own right.
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