Exploitative, lazy, and boring
3 September 2021
First off, all the 8 to 10 star reviews are fake.

Curse of Aurore started off on two bad feet between the fake reviews (seriously, does anyone actually believe these?) and next is the fact they are basing a paranormal horror film about the real life murder of Aurore Gagnon, a 10 year old girl so severely abused by her parents she died.

There have been several plays, books, and films based on her story, and now this piece of trash.

The plot is this: three annoying filmmakers decide to plan a movie about Aurore and for some dumb reason they film this process. Meanwhile people in town act strange and hostile to them and they begin to notice strange things in their footage (mostly terribly cut and pasted faces for a few frames).

Little of substance happens until the final 15 minutes, and most scare scenes are lifted from other found footage films.

The movie makes the reprehensible choice to go where the real tragedy occurred, including filming her grave and overlaying a ghost against the tombstone.

In terms of overal found footage films, Curse of Aurore is slightly better than bottom of the barrel, there is at least some attempt, the camerawork is decent, it would have gotten a 3/10, but to try and capitalize and exploit a young girls Murder for your own film is pathetic. Combine that with the pompous fake reviews and downvoting any poor rating makes this the lowest of the low.
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