Liberty's Kids (2002–2003)
1 September 2021
Oh man the days of after school and coming home and sitting in front of the idiot box waiting for Arthur and other classic shows to come on. These were the days when you would fall asleep watching classic shows and wake wondering where the hell you were. Just remembering those days makes me cry.

LK 1776 was a part of the nostalgia. LK 1779 wasn't a show that I waited to watch, but I do remember watching it as it started or ended.

LK 1779 was a children edition show about so called American "History". I'm pretty sure this show didn't lie as much as the text books do.

Anyways, The show was about so called American people back in "history" which may or may not have existed. It was also about events that may or may not have actually happened. They "retell" the story leaving out the blood, gore, freemasonry, jesuits, manipulation and even "some" truth in order to braintamper children so they can accept what is told without questioning the ridderick.

The overall production from animation to quality was good. I loved the voice work and the catchy theme song.

LK 1779 is not a show I recommend because its "probably" mostly a lie, unlike the schools textbooks.

If you want to learn about the "America" then use a search engine read books and don't depend on a under paid and stressed out teachers to tell you what she or he is forced to tell you which may or may not be true.

Last Words: Home of the Braves? Yeah right...2020-2021 says otherwise.
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