Dramatic and fun little doc
31 August 2021
I just wanted to write a mini-review. It's a doc that starts out fast with good tension, dramatic music and a big plan. Jeremy Clarkson draws you in right away. It's for sure a fun watch for the first 30 minutes. It does calm down at the end and slows to a less dramatic and more weird style where talking heads take over. The ships sailing to the dock yard is so dramatic. They use very rudimentary CGI to show what happened and you can feel the tension as you see bullets fly at the screen. Unfortunately the CGI scenes very soon fade away and we get person after person just stating something about the event which unfortunately doesn't work. I think what they should have done is go full CGI from start till finish and then have used photos to tell us a bit more. A raid is only as interesting as you tell it. So A to B, clean and effective. No extra steps or hurdles please.

It's a very cool raid though and Youtubers like TIK could make an extraordinary video on this for sure. There is a big story here. With big show presenters you do get a very personal style though and it takes you out of the raid. It fun to watch Jeremy Clarkson, but a less known presenter could have been a narrator only for example.
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