Do You Remember Love?
30 August 2021
Macross: DYRL is my favorite movie of all time. One thing I remember hearing about people's thoughts about anime is that Western animation is better because it's at 24 frames per second...like framer-rate automatically determines quality. I'd pick frames that all look good over cheap looking frames that move like a bouncing silly putty any day.

I've gone on to my friends how much they need to watch it and why. The best I could do to describe it is Top Gun in outer space with giant aliens and our best weapon is a Japanese pop star singing a cheesy love song. That description doesn't do this movie any justice. But I'm not good at describing other people's stuff. The characters are more engaging than whatever Disney had even pulled out at that time. And the animation I'd argue is better too. Because it wouldn't matter how the frames looked separated, because they all look good. It sometimes feels like it moves like a live-action blockbuster even though it's animated. The story is amazing the action is spectacular. I encourage everyone to recommend this to anyone and everyone.
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