Review of The Old Ways

The Old Ways (II) (2020)
Exorcism ... necessary?
29 August 2021
Exorcism movies do have a really tough job. Because of the Exorcist. It's almost impossible to top that movie. That's how I am feeling about it. That being said, it doesn't mean that some movies have not done something fairly nice with the theme.

In this case we are not even sure if an exorcism is needed ... or are we? I think most will know the correct answer actually, but no brownie points for guessing right, since it can only be one or the other.

There are some nice effects and our main actress has some other issues non related to ... although I reckon you could call those demons too! They have to do with narcotics ... interestingly told and really well edited, this will work for those who like horror and less with others.
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