Freshman Year (2019)
Even an atheist can like this film
29 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The audience that is most going to like this film are the very christian religious folks. It hits all the values they love -- family values, sin, forgiveness, and second chances. So how come this atheist liked this film? Well, if you get past the soft-core preaching (and there is some), and focus on the story of individuals, then there's a good story line here. After all, pretty much anyone can get reckless during college and make some bad choices. The question is, of course, how do they come out of it.

VERY christian young man goes to college, meets a girl, she gets pregnant, and hence the consequences.

The acting here is very mixed. Diallo Thompson, who plays the young man, is really good; I was impressed. The actor who plays the young man's father (and minister) -- Benjamin Onyango -- no thanks; not impressed with the acting, and not impressed with who they chose to play the father...doesn't work. The young lady who gets pregnant is Natalia Dominguez, and she seems like a fairly decent actress. As was the woman who played her mother. Ed Gonzalez Moreno, who plays the hunky Latino brother shows some promise. As does a supporting actor -- Wynton Odd. Desalene Jones, who plays the boy's mother...not impressed. Gregory Williams, who plays a professor...difficult to tell; it's an unlikable character.

All through the move I was able to set aside the christian message and focus on what was happening to the main characters. As a result, I enjoyed the film. I could easily imagine real people experiencing and reacting as these characters did. And that brings up one thing I don't understand. At the end of the film they make it appear that this was a true story. I'm not sure that it was, or wasn't.

Bottom line for me: I'm glad I watched this film.
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