The other side of the coin
28 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
It was very nice and interesting to see the other side of the coin, to see how the other girls felt about Azusa and how they wanted to thank them for everything they did. The movie felt like the same end of the series but seen from another point of view. Seeing the girls for the last time, doing the things they do was beautiful, in addition, the animation felt more fluid and much better, I also noticed how in certain scenes small moments occurred within it, as background details, this deepening I loved .

The weird thing about the movie is that it can lose a little to the one who sees K-on for the first time and not know where the ending really is.

I'm going to miss Ho-kago Tea Time, it was a good trip but it all has to end, and move on. Do not forget, remember.
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