Review of 200 Motels

200 Motels (1971)
28 August 2021
If you are a huge Zappa fan (his fans tend to be extreme), this is for you. No need to say any more to you.

If you're not a fan: Well... it depends on what you like. The music sometimes is effective (not always enjoyable, but effective). Personally, I find Zappa a bit pretentious more often than not, and that's tough to sit through.

The overall zaniness is also sometimes effective. Some say the film is "saved" by Zappa's music. I will say that it's "saved" by the presence of Flo & Eddie. Those guys not only are freaking hilarious and fun to watch, but they can sing! Especially Howard!

By the time the film is over, if you've lasted that long, you'll feel hit by a truck. It IS a mess. Sometimes it's a fun mess, sometimes it's a slog. Maybe it's best watched by a roomful of college-aged stoners?
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