Le temps est assassin (2019–2022)
Glamorous but silly
27 August 2021
French television seems very keen on glamourous murder-dramas set in its beautiful south (or at least, they're the sort of dramas that are often shown in the UK). If you've got, flaunt it, I guess, although it makes me smile to recall the 1980s BBC soap opera 'Howard's Way' that tried to project glamour while set on the English south coast. But while 'Time is a Killer' may be glamorous, it's hard to call it good, with a preposterous plot that ultimately turns upon a woman who has been kept imprisoned for 20 years just happening to work out how to escape literally moments before the cavalry comes to rescue her. Forget the murders, and it's just lifestyle porn. Even the presence is the cast of two veterans of the excellent 'Spiral' can't save it; watch that for a (very unglamorous) look at how murder stories should really be told.
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