Season Three Review
26 August 2021
Barely a few months after the second season of Camp Cretaceous finished, season three debuted, with another 10 episodes of the animated tie into the famous franchise. As with the previous two seasons, its solid, entertaining stuff, pitched just right, not so narratively complex as to bore a child, but neither so basic as to bore an adult.

Having decided that waiting for rescue is not working out for them, the abandoned children decide that leaving on their own steam is a better idea. A raft struggles with the choppy conditions, but they then locate the hunter's yacht, with some damage but still afloat against some rocks. Having got the ship back to the docks, to undertake some repairs, the kids learn that they have inadvertently released "E750" another of Doctor Wu's (Greg Chun) controversial dinosaur hybrids.

I'm not sure that there's much more to write, beyond what I put in my first paragraph. It's still good stuff, this is, perhaps, the best season of the three so far. There are some references to the first "Jurassic Park" film, that I really enjoyed on a midseason trip to the first films Visitors centre, as well as a nice meta joke about the book and an appearance by Blue, from Jurassic World. By the end of the season, the film has caught up with the events of "Fallen Kingdom" so we see those occur from another angle, and the return of a legacy character to the island.

Occasionally, the CGI effects on the Dinosaurs take on this unusual stop clay animation look to them, which does take me out of the episode slightly, but I have to say that I do like it. It's like an homage to the Harryhausen films.

I'm guessing, based on the rough timelines, that there's only one more season to go before the volcano goes up and the show will have to come to an end. When that time comes, I can honestly say that, unless something goes dramatically wrong from here on out, I've enjoyed it.
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