Review of Adventure

Adventure (1945)
"I saw my soul disappear up Powell Street"
24 August 2021
Flawed but interesting film, usually discussed for its backstory and famous tagline. You can definitely tell a variety of writers worked on the script. It bounces from one mood to the next but it's never better, in my opinion, than when someone's giving a monologue. All of the monologue scenes are gold. As for the stars, Greer Garson doesn't have much chemistry with Clark Gable but she is giving it her best. For his part this is the most unlikable character I've ever seen Gable play. His acting is great, especially in the aforementioned monologue scenes, but the character is just written poorly. Likely to the surprise of no one familiar with their work, Thomas Mitchell and Joan Blondell steal every scene they're in.

It's a little bit Random Harvest and a little bit every movie Gable was ever in dialed up to eleven. The script is a glorious mess but it saves the film from total mediocrity. Worth a look if one has the right expectations.
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