Birdemic Predator
24 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I normally don't watch 2 movies back-to-back consecutively as I get bad headaches - I just watched The house of lost Souls - but it's cold and raining outside and I feel like taking a little tour through, what is it called again, Legend of Boggy Creek? Nope, we're climbing some haunted mountain instead apparently. Let's saddle up and hike this hawk-infested trek. "There's gold in dem dare hills." I hope the quality of this DVD improves - looks like a blurry Western. My mistake - Gettysburg.

These 2 guys being blown sky high - that looked authentic. One point for that. Nice introduction.

I wouldn't want to have been the poor soldier holding the flag among all this crossfire. Some defence.

Is it a war movie or a horror movie - what cinema have I accidentally walked into? Is that Woody Harrelson and is that Sonny from Predator or Gene Symmonds from Kizz?

Surely that's Scotty J. From that Dirk Diggler movie? This sharp edit is sloppy and all over the shop.

Holy crap - they're editing the swear words out of my DVD copy. Never seen, or heard, that before.

Ouch, stitches in the scalp?

Doc Holiday here has those pearly white teeth one of Biff's goons talked about. Nice teeth. In fact everybody in this movie has perfect teeth. (Almost everybody.)

Now it's turned into Grizzly Adams or Little Predator on the Prairie.

Is that Sissy Spacek or Stevie Nicks? She looks familiar.

Drucila? Captain Wishbone Cutter? What sort of stupid names are those?

Won't surprise me if the Marlborough Man shows up anytime soon.

They're editing swear words out to protect my sensitive PG-13 ears.

Save your ammo, you're hitting nothing. Quick, arm Sissy Spacek. The actress is quite pretty actually.

So basically a handful of separatists go in search of some buried treasure but find themselves being hunted by Predator's cousin or the Foot Clan?

Love how they have unlimited bullets in these movies and never have to reload.

Check out this character with the harmonica. He's called Dancing and he's eccentric and has bad teeth. I've got it! This Doc Holiday character, the one with the pearly white teeth, I know where I've seen him before! He's that cowboy from the Village People.

(Didn't he shoot Liberty Vallance?)

And they being hunted by birdemic shock and terror?

Sneaky ending, I never saw that coming. I won't give it away though.

Surprisingly, I actually enjoyed it.

Something different.
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