Review of I, Mudd

Star Trek: I, Mudd (1967)
Season 2, Episode 8
This place is even better than Leningrad
22 August 2021
A crew member of the Enterprise forcibly takes the starship to a planet where they meet a previous antagonist.

This is an enjoyable episode if you adopt a light-hearted mindset, but if you take your Trek seriously it will probably be a long 50 minutes.

The plot is a light-hearted retread previous stories like 'What Are Little Girls Made Of?' with a reasonably decent level of humour. I fully appreciate that comedy is in the eye of the beholder so if the jokes do not work for you then neither will the episode. I personally found Kirk's banter with Harry Mudd fairly enjoyable and the succession of nagging wife jokes to be somewhat amusing. I thought Spock's dryness complimented Mudd's shenanigans quite well. I also enjoyed seeing U'Hura doing more that her usual Communications Officer role.

The conclusion is probably the silliest resolution to a Star Trek episode that I have seen, but saying that it's been a while since I watched series 3. I hope there was a lot of improvisation going on by the actors that would give it a bit more credit, but without knowing I cannot properly comment. If you really let go of all seriousness here you might find it fun.

All performances are solid, particularly Roger C Carmel, William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy.
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