Very poor effort.
22 August 2021
This show is a bad music video masquerading as a cop/detective show. It is awful. I have noticed a number of Australian shows in recent years that all suffer from the same ridiculous casting disease. Everyone in the show, including random passers by in street scenes, is gorgeous and dressed like they've been shopping on Rodeo Drive or it's Australian equivalent. Certainly the leads of most shows made anywhere in the world are going to be good looking but does every flipping person in any possible scene have to be simply stunning? This is not very realistic and instantly pulls one out of buying into the story.

And as others have mentioned here the characters portraying police that ought to know better do the most idiotic behavior. This is a poorly written series.

And what is with the constant truly lousy music (with bad vocals)? The music video element of this series is horrendous and very, very lazy. Try putting in more effort into the writing of the show and you won't have to pad out episodes with such lousy filler.
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