Kate Plus 8 (2010–2017)
20 August 2021
There is absolutely NOTHING this woman won't do to be the center of attention. She is constantly screaming like a two year old, holding up lines in stores to lecture her kids, talking to her kids via intercoms in stores and she's ALWAYS dressed like she's on her way to a nightclub. Who the heck would take eight children on a day trip through New York in booty shorts and stiletto heels? She wore stilettos to a cattle ranch. Kate always makes sure all eyes are on her one way or another.

She has been exploiting her children since they were only a few months old, but she regularly throws a fit when they are recognized in public. When they do they go to a store, the kids are running around like obnoxious little terrors yelling and screaming and causing a scene. They fight with each other and destroy store displays. Kate will then complain about the other shoppers giving her dirty looks. Sometimes Kate will stand there and make whimpering, pouty noises to let the cameramen know she's unhappy. It's...surreal. Even her older kids, who are 10, cry in public like toddlers when they don't get what they want. It's stupid that she expects people NOT to stare at the massive scene her and her brood make everywhere they go.
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