The Embers of Genesis
18 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Where to start with this episode just to hear T'Challa's voice is awesome, many interviews with the directors have mentioned Chadwick Boaseman was the first to sign on eventually knowing what would happen. With Djimon Hounsou's Korath the Pursuer fan boying over Star Lord this is a bit of a weird change from the GOTG but plays out all the same, steal the orb, fight a little but Yondu being ready on hand to help Star Lord splits the story again!

Jumping back to 1988 and compared to the Captain Carter Nexus event this was a weaker story to set about the changes. Yandu sending Taserface and Kraglin to pick up Quill and instead picked up T'Challa..... surely they would have dropped him back off and picked up the right kid? And I was wrong to assume this! One line changes the story with Wakanda being destroyed whilst talking with a reinvigorated Nebula still not speaking her father.

But Thanos/ Josh Brolin turning up in this episode.....WHAT?? He's a Ravenger and the smooth talking T'Challa was able to persuade him not to kill half the universe which could, in turn, create another branch reality! Name dropping the Skrull being defeated, Ronin not destroying Drax's home world and a bank heist that could well return at some point is awesome. This is going to be a running theme throughout the series that I cant get over Drax's voice not being Dave Batista's! Same as Steve Rodgers in the episode before! And the Collector in this episode as well!

This a Heist on the card to steal something from the Collector on Knowhere, where the Black Order is protecting him, Thanos goons from Infinity War, makes for a clever telling of the changes to the universe in this branch. All the characters are still around under new management or creating their own paths! Breaking Howard the Duck out of the collection ties perfectly back into GOTG vol 2 where he's seen with the Ravengers. Saying "When you're out of luck, always go Duck" hunts me to remember that awful 1980s movie! Again the Collectors collection is a trophy room of easter eggs, CCCP dog, dark Elves, The grandmasters Ship, Nova crops starfighter and a Wakandan ship that's to just name a few!

The final fight bring another level of easter eggs, Korgs arm, a knife forged in dark matter (Malekith's dagger), Caps Shield, Mjolnir, Hela's crown and many of the weapons' from Thor Ragnarok that could have been taken from any number of legendary characters. Overall a fun episode that again has a few issues but brings an upward curve to the series that I hope this keeps climbing!
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