Pain Is Inevitable...Suffering Is Optional
17 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Not everyone is privy to someone else's pain. Sometimes, people lack the perception. Sometimes, people don't want to see it. And sometimes, people are too caught up in their own pain to see it in anyone else.

There isn't a person who goes through life without experiencing pain. Pain is inevitable and unavoidable. Too often, we laugh and mock those who are in pain, as depicted in this film, especially kids and teenagers. Finch is considered a "freak" and a trouble-maker who should be avoided at all costs. It's difficult to dislike or even hate someone when you truly get to know them.

Finch sees himself as a victim; a person who's always on the outside looking in; and a person who is essentially unlovable. His own father nearly killed him in an abusive rage. And yet, Finch's failure in life was his inability to recognize his own gifts. Everyone has gifts. Everyone. And Finch's gift was bringing healing to Violet when she was nearly at the end of her own rope. The irony is that Finch is able to help Violet but unable to help himself. He's able to see the tremendous worth in Violet but unable to see that same worth in himself. And that is where the tragedy lies.

The film is told well about two characters who feel broken by events of the past. It's easy to shutdown when we feel overwhelmed. And that is what Violet does, to the point of not allowing anyone in. Finch puts on a brave face; an act which he uses to help pull Violet back from the brink. In short, he becomes her life-line. Elle Fanning and Justice Smith turn in tremendous performances.

Never underestimate the power of a single act and how that can affect a person. The smallest act of kindness or healing is like dropping a pebble and seeing the ripples go all the way across the lake.

Ultimately, as with all people, one can only bury one's feelings for so long. Eventually, all repressed emotions and feelings will surface. Finch reaches that point where it all catches up with him as he realizes that nobody else can "fix" you. Nobody else can give you enough love and happiness to fix your situation. That can only come from yourself. While others can be great catalysts, the only true source of healing comes from within.

Everyone should take a harder look around them to see who might need some help. Schools are in dire need of teaching students how to be sensitive to others and their feelings, for we have no idea the pain that someone might be in. Take the opportunity to be a life-line for someone through kind words or a kind act. Ultimately, that is what this story is about. Nobody is alone. Be sure to remind your loved ones of this truth!
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