Review of Beckett

Beckett (2021)
Not my vacation
14 August 2021
Remember this is a movie. For that there are things that are heightened. I for one thought it is interesting having some villain shadow ... whatever operate in Greece. Also our main character here is no superhero. He won't Bourne his way out of things ... he has to rely on luck (and some shoody writing on the bad guys part too of course).

Having said all that, bonus points for shooting in Greece (evident on many occasions and just a small little detail like the plastic water bottle being used during a car drive almost at the beginning is one testament of that) ... and having many talk in Greek. Which our main character does not understand at all.

You could argue that he puts a lot of lives in danger of the folk who are so willing and eager to help. But there is not time to think about small things like that ... the movie has a pace that seems relentless and never stopping.

Works out pretty fine at the first half of the movie, gets a bit dragging towards the beginning of the second part. And as stated above the villains seem especially ... well light minded? Is that politically correct way of putting it? Whatever the case, this is a rock solid thriller, which is not an indicator how your next vacation (in Greece or elsewhere in Europe) will go down.
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