The Invisible (2002)
Can't touch this
14 August 2021
Of course a movie as good as this would spawn a US remake. I have not watched that one yet, but I can attest that this is really well made. Some viewers may have issues because morally speaking there is as lot to digest. Our lead/main character has issues, some self inflicted some laid upon him by others - though he does not deal with them the best way.

He is flawed is what I am trying to say. As is the supposed villain here - but how villainous is she? We even feel for her at times, seeing how she grew up, under what circumstances she lives under. It still is clear that she does things way wrong ... so wrong there may not be an inch of an excuse for her.

But the movie would not be as complex, if it just gave you black and white, right and wrong and however else you like to easily sort things. Things can be explained ... things can understood .. that does not make them one thing or another. As with life (and death) this is way more complex ... and better for it. Suspend your disbelief and be thrilled.
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