13 August 2021
Dane Clark, Cathy O' Donnell, Jeff Corey, and Tom Drake with Good Support seek to Make this Pedestrian Picture Rise Above its Pedigree.

Almost but Not Quite.

The Movie is a One-Note Song about a No-Good Ex-Husband Preying on His Sweet Ex-Wife.

An Annoying Lech of a Police Sgt. Bullys the Mrs. In a Hard-to-Watch Scene and a Nosey Neighbor Irritates as well

O' Donnell is a Sweetie-Pie and the Detectives on the case are a Match for the Career Criminal Clark.

Some Suspense Ensues as the Police Close-In at a Ship-Yard Finale that is the Best this Effort can Offer.

Even the Title Gives the Thing Away.

It's an Unremarkable Straight-Forward Cops and Robbers Yarn that might Masquerade in Promotions as a Film-Noir. It Ain't.

The Good Actors and a Scene or Two that Stand-Out can't Rise the Movie Above Average.

A Rather Ho-Hum B-Movie, but for Die-Hard Crime Genre Fans...

Worth a Watch.
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