Review of Baby Ghost

Baby Ghost (1995)
Watch a green blurry thing giggle...
10 August 2021
This film is brought to us by the same director who brought us Hell Comes to Frogtown! He also brought us Rollergator and this one is more like the latter rather than the former. Though I was no fan of Hell Comes to Frogtown, it looks like a movie. Both this one and Rollergator resemble home movies where people are just goofing around, mainly Joe Estevez in both instances. He is not a good actor by any means, but these two films seem that they should be below even his standards. Hell, I think John Carradine would have turned this crap down, "What? The movie is not on film? Forget it, I won't star in this dreck!"

So, the plot in this one has a photographer trying to get a kid to smile while his mother does not attempt to help. How hard is it to make your kid smile? The kid is like ten, at that age you don't need coaxing by the photographer, just a cue. So we witness this and a long phone conversation before we get baby ghost who likes to lock people in an office building while giggling, turns out it is the ghost of a baby put to death for mischief and tomfoolery back in the 1600's. Man, putting babies to death, that was a rough time!

As with Rollergator, this film has only Joe Estevez as a star. Granted, the maintenance man was apparently in Plan Nine From Outer Space, so yeah, Joe is the primary star. We also get strange as hell looking security guard, fortune teller dressed as Stevie Nicks and two robbers that seem to serve no purpose other than to extend this film's already long feeling run time!

This film was bad, I will say it is better than Rollergator, but that is not saying much. Joe's existence in film's such as this I have theorized is just to make one stop flipping the channels and as themselves if that is Martin Sheen and the fact that the director thought that both this and Rollergator would get sequels green lit, really makes me think he is a very optimistic person, and quite possibly delusional and insane...
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