It's as depressing and bleak as it can get
9 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I like slow horror films so the pace wasn't a problem for me but if you're not used to films with almost glacial pacing, then it might bore you. Dwight and Jessie need to kill to provide fresh blood for their teenage vampire little brother Thomas. They target the most vulnerable people such as prostitutes, immigrants and homeless. Thomas acted up and threw a paper airplane to the young people passing by. Next day one of those guys showed up to see if Thomas was ok because Dwight took him inside by covering him with a blanket and the boy saw this. Dwight his the kid in the closet but Jessie found him and got stabbed by him. Dwight went on his car to find him and let him free after seeing he was living all alone with his father. He was lonely too and he was seeing a prostitute regularly to talk (and his sister killed her) so he could relate. Then he came back and saw his sister in blood in the bathtub. He buried her in the yard like the others and left. But he couldn't leave his little brother so he came back and Thomas wanted him to uncover the window (it was covered with cardboard) and moved out of the state like he'd dreamed of with that prostitute. It was as bleak and depressing as a vampire flick can get and was very slow and I really enjoyed it. Thomas' and Jessie's actings were really good.
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