That is the order of things.
8 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This was a solid episode further cementing the fanatic loyalty of the Jem'Hadar to the Vorta and the Dominion. There's an interesting discussion to be had regarding the Jem'Hadar's being created and exploited by the 'God's' that created them. It's also interesting that the Founders have programmed the Jem'Hadar to suppress emotion, the need for food and pleasures ----- making them in their own image?!

Keevan is great as a deplorable SOB who exploits the loyalty of the Jem'Hadar to his own benefit by sacrificing them so O'Brien can fix the transponder. Third Remata'Klan also provides a great performance as a sharp leader who understands the betrayal of Keevan but is resigned to his destiny as a tool and willingly sacrifices his unit. In my fan fiction, I believe that he is committing suicide to put an end to a joyless existence.

I would suggest that if you have some fanatical views that you pump the brakes ----- before you end up performing a suicide attack and die for the glory of a group of aliens that have nothing but contempt for your very existence.
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