Worst Sequel Ever. Rotten Garbage.
7 August 2021
This is my first one star review, I think. It doesn't even deserve that!! At 5.6 it's so far overrated that I'm actually about to give up on IMBD altogether. This is as pointless a movie as you'll ever see. While the kids were excellent in the original and made that movie one of the best movies of all time, they just can't carry the momentum into this one. It's so completely stupid from start to finish any sane person would get extremely irate. The plot, acting, dialogue, soundtrack is all complete rubbish. I can't stress how bad the acting is all the way around. The kids cannot act worth spit in this movie, which is strange because some of them did so great in the first one. I guess the one star could be for some of the cool vehicles of that era. The scenes and direction are annoying beyond belief. Ridiculously lame awful stuff here. No laught at all. You can go to any random part of this movie and be stunned at the sheer incompetentness of everyone involved. I'd understand if you shut it off in the first 10 minutes. That would only prove your excellent taste in movies. There's no humor or drama or anything to hold interest. Nothing. It's just a clinic on how to make the worst type of movie, with a cast of dull kids who you really don't care about one bit. There's no point dissecting the plot because it's so thin and unbelievable. It's the most clumsy effort at making a film you'll ever witness. One reason to watch is just to see how the next scene could be worse than the one you just saw. And trust me, they manage to make the next one way worse. The game scenes in the first were genuine and rang true. Not here. Not even close. The way the team related to each other was dumb and not sincere in the least. The pitcher they brought in dragged the movie down big time. He was successful in Soap because he had good material to work with. And this love and fawning over Lupus was ridiculous. He caught one fly ball in the original and instantly became everybody's best friend and superstar. Ok. On what planet? I forced myself to watch this and it wasn't easy. I couldn't even do anything on my computer or phone because just hearing it in the background was nauseating. All supporting cast and other team members are equally dismal. I never thought I'd see a movie so worthy of a zero star review. Well here it is. I feel sorry for the people who could manage to see anything worthwhile in this movie and could never understand being so easily pleased by the constant flow of manure this movie flings at you. Devane, who has never done anything remotely worthwhile or displayed a hint of acting talent, fits right in with this sorry lot of miscast dunderheads.
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