Boring propaganda.
5 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
In a totalitarian (where the police seems to barely exist) communist (With no one covering any work position anywhere) dystopia (with no people in horrible conditions) where traveling is illegal (Which would result in everyone dying) and everyone is permanently being vigilated on (and no police, army or even official know what is going on at any time, where only one policeman is present at any time) Where reunions are prohibited (and that is why there are reunions constantly in public places (Even though they are constantly being watched)) and where christianity has been banned (no mention of any other religion. Just christianity) an economist (that can't act worried even if his life depended on it), a nurse (that doesn't know how medicine work), a marine (that doesn't know how the army works (Also he is a marine... in Germany. In a totalitarian regime were traveling is forbidden)) and a hacker (That uses Google and Word as her only tools) will fight against it all! By painting fishes in the floor! That'll teach them!

The acting is subpar, even by Christian films standards. The music is generic and comes and goes at random intervals. The dialog is awful and the accents of the actors and their inability to express any emotions make Tommy Wiseau look like Al Pacino. I am not sure there was a screenplay.

Boring to tears. Empty headed to sinningful levels. Do not watch. Get corona: Might be better for your health.
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