Follow Your Heart (2020 TV Movie)
Mixed messages
4 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Where to start lol. I love watching a bad hallmark movie as a firm if entertainment but I was left asking "what?"

Never has some one had a life so good and still be miserable. The lead seemed to keep failing upwards.. from book deals, TV jobs and even getting half a farm.

The major issue with this film is the confused direction it tried to take. The writer wanted to get cliches over sacrificing a coherent message. She spends whole film realising that the community was where her heart is but then left..taking a farmer wih her out of the community...completely uprooting him. So I can see how the place was so special to her as she has total disregard for it. So it becomes less about finding home as much as snagging a handsome farmer.

Due to her successful career she had no reason to stay... so why did she... if all she did was leave? All while her supportive boyfriend ends up being cheated on. Who keeps mis-labeling her as a free spirit and adventurous when in actuality she is the opposite. As she seems to rather stay put in a community with armish values..well until she decides she doesn't.

This makes her a very unlikeable and selfish lead in a film that seems to only dip into armish culture when plot needs it to. Otherwise its just another village for her to frolick around in... lamenting on how terrible her seemingly perfect life is.

In conclusion a film that doesn't know what it wants to say and uses old cliques as a crutch.

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