Citizens Band (1977)
4 August 2021
This movie can be entertaining when taken for exactly what it is and not what it was hoped to be by those who made it. It's like every other CB radio themed movie and most other movies of the time; Cheesy and corny though, not quite as bad as most of the others. It was NOT however a hit at the box office as some others have claimed. This is one of the issues that arise when people in general don't appreciate or know how to properly use the freedoms and privileges they have. True MISINFORMATION. This movie was produced with a budget of 5 million dollars yet it only brought in approximately 815,000 which leaves a loss of well over 80%. Does that sound like a box office hit to you? In fact, it did so poorly that it was quickly renamed to "Handle With Care" for at least two reasons; to distance it from the CB world which they though might be one reason it didn't do well as the craze was beginning to wind down and numerous movies written around the two-way radio fad had already been made and, to remove the word "Band" from the title as it was perceived to indicate to some that the movie was, in some way music related or themed. So, before you start typing, take a deep breath, shake off that god like feeling that grows with each keystroke. Then, do at least a little basic research. Maybe use a dictionary and thesaurus if your gonna try and use a lot of ten cent words, so it's not quite as obvious how far you're actually reaching, and give an honest, truthful, FACTUALLY CORRECT review. Some people are blindly trusting you and, let's face it; we've all had enough B. S. lately to last us the rest of this century. Whether intentional or not.
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