Norman (IV) (2019)
A Very Solid Low-Budget, Slow-moving, Sci-fi Drama.
3 August 2021
Can we get past using "slow-paced" as an insult please? Yes, this movie is not fast, but that doesn't make it bad, it has a very deliberate pace, and it moves along very well. The story is indeed told in a disjointed fashion, but that in and of itself is also part of the story, so if you take issue with disjointed storytelling, just don't watch this. Even though it is disjointed, it is not hard to understand, I did not struggle at all to figure out what was going on, nor did I need to see it twice, though I do plan on watching it again anyway because I really enjoyed it. I enjoy low-budget films, I watch a lot of them, and enjoy them more than big-budget films most of the time.

I read several reviews, without spoilers, before watching, and even though they were all universally negative, I had to watch it because it is time travel, and I love time travel films. I am beginning to realize how little I can trust reviews anymore because people conflate their personal taste with whether or not something is good. That's not a review, that is trying to frame your opinion as fact, grow up. If you dislike low-budget films, avoid this, if you dislike slow movies, avoid this, if you dislike out of sequence storytelling, avoid this, if you dislike movies that don't explain very thing for you, avoid. If you watch it anyway, well, you set yourself up to watch something you will dislike, no one is to blame but you. I ended up really enjoying this movie, and I'm glad I ignored the negative reviews, I recommend it to a family member who also liked it as well.

Despite that, I will point out the one big flaw, and that is a scene between Norman and the character Jenny, Just in that one scene, the acting from Norman is pretty bad, thankfully it is a brief scene. Otherwise, while not perfect, the acting is very solid. I have little negative to say about this movie in terms of how it was made, especially for it's budget. The sound and music are superb, the lighting is great, the setting and props in the house are all great, the story is good, the writing is good, the overall execution is good, this is a very well-thought out and well executed low-budget sci-fi drama. It is obvious the director has a previous background in film making, though this is his first directorial effort.

I cannot fault this film for what it is, it is a philosophical meditation on the nature of destiny and choice, and it dos a good job of showing what that looks like in a time travel context. To say more would ruin the film, if you like time travel and philosophy, and don't mind a movie with little action, there is much to love here.
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