The Future (2011)
Thought-provoking but tries a bit too hard to be quirky
2 August 2021
The Future is a film that is overflowing with ideas, but doesn't seem to have enough focus to turn those ideas into a solid story. Despite its Charlie Kaufman-esque qualities, I was genuinely intrigued by the concept of this movie. It's an interesting exploration of life and relationships, particularly when it comes to the way time passes relative to what you are doing (and plan to do in the future.) I enjoyed the quirky couple in the film, and was totally interested to see how they would handle their fears. The first act of the movie was genuinely funny to me, and I got some good laughs at their strange personalities. Then as the story progressed it was fun to see them face their fears of commitment and the inevitability of death. They probably aren't the best role models, but that didn't stop me from enjoying their banter back and forth.

Some of the more supernatural/surreal moments in The Future worked perfectly for me, but it always felt like Miranda July took it a bit too far. For instance, I was on board for the magic of time stopping in a moment, but struggled with how it got going again. Also, the resolution of the cat's story left something to be desired, but I won't spoil all of that for you. I really do admire what Miranda July was trying to do in The Future, and it had me reeled in from start to finish. While I might not totally understand everything it's trying to say, and I certainly don't like all that happened in the film, the fact that I'm still thinking about it weeks later is a sign that something special is going on. Unlike most non-linear films that lack a traditional narrative, The Future is one I could see myself rewatching just to try and figure it out.
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