Grey Eyes (2021)
amazing concept
2 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
It's a different kind of post-apocalyptic future. Everyone has stopped seeing colors and fallen into a depressed state. Eyes have turned grey. A new invented addictive drug allows people to see limited colors again. A girl Ana escapes with a suitcase full of the drug and goes on the run with two men.

What an amazing concept. I love this different kind of apocalypse. I like the opening with the blues but the rest of the movie needs to be more careful with colors. When one takes the drug, the colors need to be very limited and short lasting. The Ishihara color test is the turning point of the movie. That's the big reveal. First, only the numbers can be seen but the world becomes fully colored as the camera pulls back from the face. That's the money shot. That's the big reveal. This is a fun little foreign sci-fi B-movie with an amazing premise. I can't wait for somebody to remake it.
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