Review of Butterfly

Butterfly (2018)
one is for itv's intend to make money over this
1 August 2021
Acting is good, script not so much, maxine has a narcissitic father that can't cope when it isn't always about him, hey lets try a kinda goodlooking actor, it will pass. Sigh. Anna friel's character has so much going for her but she seems to think her life is a complete failure because her sad excuse of a toxic husband left. Her eldest daughter seems to know adoring men is toxic, but then she gets this moment where the authors make her realize she should get more love, so she flees into her yet another poor excuse of a human being known to her as her granny. Sigh. Then itv makes it all about happy ending, happy family. Just made me think about those massages with a happy ending. Sigh.

In the end visibility to transgender people is necessary and i applaud that.

It's hard for some people to understand how lost u can feel in your own body. Experiments need to help understanding. I think youngsters now will be able to give more insight in about 20 years. For now we can only go with their gut feeling. I just hope society is not weighing in too heavily. Some decisions will be regretted, others applauded, it's still very much about the individual. Me personnally i think that when you're born into a body maybe you should give it a chance, find ways to embrace it. Society feeds us the distinction between male and female as only examples and therefore it scares me to think this brainwashing may have something to do with the not accepting of one's own body. But i am not in their position and i am not being judgemental. I would not reject my body right away, i would see if it could fit me somehow since it is mine. But then again i am not in their position and i am aware i am in no way capable of fully understanding their uncomfort, their dissarray, their profound confusion and yes unhappiness. I wish all transgender people find a way to be, to be happy.

I didn't write about maxine because so many others did, did it well too.
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