Ghostboat (2006 TV Movie)
It's very watchable, just hard to follow.
29 July 2021
It's funny how you can romanticise about a film, or piece of TV that you saw years ago, I haven't seen Ghostboat since it was first transmitted. I was all set to give it ten stars, and write a glowing review, but maybe time hasn't been so kind to this show, or maybe I watched with rose tinted spectacles.

I think the early stages of it are fantastic, it's creepy, it's eerie, it's certainly sinister, as it develops from its midpoint to the ending, it totally loses it for me, I don't think I knew what was going on.

Imagine Ghostship meets a A Touch of Frost, it doesn't really know where it sits, is it trying to be a horror, or a psychological drama thriller, it really does fall apart as the mania sets in.

The acting is first rate, David Jason is awesome, as is Ian Pulston Davies. It was great to see Sir David Jason appear in something like this, so well known for OFAH and Frost, I'm not sure he had done anything like this, ITV certainly have him some varied parts.

Great production values, it looks super smart, nice equipment and sets, I thought the scenes of the sub moving through the mines looked amazing.

Worth watching, just expect two hours of surreal goings on.

Watchable if a bit muddled, 6/10.
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