Barnaby Jones: Duet for Danger (1977)
Season 5, Episode 22
We hated them the first the show brings them back?! It's the sequel NO ONE asked for!
29 July 2021
On "Barnaby Jones", characters came and went....but in the case of Mary Ann Chinn as Pearl Connor and Cassie Yates as Ruby Connors, they were on the show twice...something unprecedented for villains before this. What makes it worse is that their appearance earlier in season 5 was most unwelcome (episode 5.17)....and they were REALLY annoying and were in a pretty terrible episode. I honestly think the folks that made the show thought they were cute and sexy (after all, they have folks SAY this on the episodes repeatedly)....but they were about as cute and sexy...and welcome as a melanoma.

The episode begins with these delusional sisters easily breaking out of prison. Then, they go to hide out with an idiot who was ALSO in the previous episode with them...a guy who was taken advantage of by them and would have no reason in the world to help them. Also, these idiot escapees go right back to their old ways...donning silly clownish wigs so no one would recognize them(???). So, obviously, making sense isn't really that important in "Duet for Danger"!

So did it get any better? Or, was it a long, agonizing walk down a hellish Memory Lane? My vote is for the latter! Bad, nonsensical writing, annoying characters and a lack of originality make this one THE episode to skip from season five!

By the way, in both episodes, men REPEATEDLY say how pretty the sisters are. This was bad writing because they weren't...and it seemed as if the producers were trying very hard to convince the audience....why is anyone's guess...especially since the show NEVER did this for other special guests, even the pretty ones.
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