Forever indebted to those involved with this film for capturing history.
24 July 2021
This is the only film in existence that truly captures the spirit, the era, and even the birdsong, of summering in the Catskills.

That the Director, Steve Gorman, and crew, (all of whom should have received awards), made certain that even the flora of the place was captures, is further testimony to the fact that this film should be meticulously preserved. They have made the movie so experiential, that the viewer feels they are there, picking wildflowers and herbs. The movie should also be housed and shown in the Smithsonian, if it isn't already. The film should be shown at movie festivals.

Awards and all honors should be given to.writers Michael Zettler, Shelly Altman, and George Malko; cinematographer Rene Ohashi, the entire art and production department..And the music could not better invoke the place and time.

The costuming, set decoration - Oh the set decoration - I can't very well say, "superb" again.

The casting and acting is outstanding. The local extras, were not simply "background." They exude every aspect of the experience. To own this film is to own history..Grateful to all who created this truly iconic masterpiece.
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