The Empty Man (2020)
i'm conflicted
24 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I was debating between an okay 5 and a positive 6. I tentatively give it a 6 because i want to watch it again.

I'm very conflicted. So much about this movie is great. The opening scene is fantastic. The tone is chilling. It's atmospheric. Lots of interesting images. Some really scary moments, some omg wtf moments. But i had two major issues with the movie, which are spoilery. (1 viewing, 7/22/2021)


i was completely into the movie, but it started to lose me about 70% of the way through, they delved into the cult ideology and i wasn't really buying it. I know it's based on nihilism, still sounds like madness to me. And it seemed to slow down the build-up.

The other is what's making me so conflicted. Some of my favorite parts of the movie have to do with the main character and his backstory. Then we find out it was fabricated. So it didn't actually happen. And part me me feels like it makes those parts i loved almost meaningless.

They even have more reveals of his backstory after we find this out. It still gave me the feels so i still give it credit. But i kinda feel jipped. Altho after watching some analysis videos, i wonder if i can grasp onto the idea that it still is "real" since they conjured it up using their noosphere gibberish. As well as the fact that the needed him to have a history of grief and guilt.

Lots of interesting concepts and things to think about. Hopefully i can like it more the second time.
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