This Film Deserves a Reassessment
20 July 2021
This movie is a wonderful fantasy to watch! The MacDonald-Eddy team step outside of their usual plot formulas and into something very different but still entertaining. Several of the scenes (e.g., the Tira-Lira-Loo costume ball sequence) have the look and feel of the Emerald City of OZ, which is perfect for the whimsical plot. Too bad the movie wasn't filmed in Technicolor because the costuming, sets and musical numbers are all well done.

The stars and character support actors all appear well-suited to their roles and the storyline is quite unique and perhaps ahead of its time.

Too bad the film was released at the start of America's entry into World War II, because most audiences were probably more in a mood for something patriotic than whimsy.

I'm guessing L. B. Mayer did little to promote the film because he hated Nelson Eddy and probably wanted to end his successful teaming with Jeanette MacDonald.

If released in another era, this film may have returned a profit and enabled Nelson and Jeanette to continue their movie operetta careers together! Give it a look.
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