A standard classic comedy by Harold Lloyd undeservingly remained underrated due to his breathtaking adventurous comedy image of that time.
19 July 2021
For Heaven's Sake (1926) : Brief Review -

A standard classic comedy by Harold Lloyd undeservingly remained underrated due to his breathtaking adventurous comedy image of that time. Lloyd made this film after making breathtaking 'Safety Last' (1923) and other great hilarious comedies like 'Girl Shy' (1924), 'The Freshman' (1925) so it was quite natural if the audience was expecting him to do something extra, something out of the box again and i am counting myself among them, too. That's why i have been skipping this film for some time and now when i felt like i have seen almost all Major classics from 20s decade, i gave it a watch. Now, i feel like, thank god i gave it a watch or else i would have missed such a fantastic laugh-riot from the legend. For Heaven's Sake is combo of standard Harold Lloyd flicks. It has a rom-com values which defined the genre, it has hysterical gags and it has those breathtaking sequences as well. Isn't it enough for one Prime Harold Lloyd Classic? It is. An irresponsible young millionaire changes his tune when he falls for the daughter of a downtown minister. Lloyd had a charming face and attractive personality but usually he played low standard characters like a College boy, a naive boy/villager or any common teenager and his personality was way more charming than any millionaire character in those films. I was glad to finally see him playing a millionaire in the film, something which suits his handsome personality. In this film, he does everything what audience want from him and moreover it had genre-defining scenes for many rom-coms made in the future. An instant classic that just can't be hated for a moment. Sam Taylor gives a lovable Comedy with Heart at right place. Personally, i think it has remained underrated undeservingly and deserves the same love and ratings as other Harold Lloyd Classics.

RATING - 8/10*

By - #samthebestest.
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