This "film" epitomizes everything that's wrong with the film industry today
18 July 2021
Films today rely on quick plots, with little to no character development to draw in movie goers who'll spend their hard earned cash on some awful excuse for a picture, so that the movie studios can make their profit. They don't actually care if the story is good or not, just what will they get back for their investment.

And that's what this film is in a nutshell. Not a single person who worked on this "film" cared if it's good or bad. I can literally picture them sitting around a table at one of Warner's offices saying "how are we going to steal their cash?". There's NO saving grace. The acting is awful, and that's putting it nicely. The direction (or lack there of) is just as bad. It's a directors job to push the actors to get the most out of them. However, Malcolm D. Lee evidently didn't care, as the final product is trash. Then again, what was I expecting from the director of Scary Movie 5? Oh and don't get me started on the "comedy" (palms face).

Lets call this what it really is, a cash grab. I even took my nephews and niece (who're young) to see this and they didn't even like it. They threw Looney Tunes in there because hey it worked once, why not spoil an old films legacy like Hollywood loves to do with lame remakes.

I feel most bad for Don Cheadle. This Is a huge stain on what was a respectable acting career.

Please do better.
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