Review of Big Bad

Big Bad (2016)
17 July 2021
It could have been a slightly comedic horror mystery for teenagers, and it turned out to be annoying nonsense. I have to attribute this to low IQs of the screenwriter and the director. What really annoys me is that technically the film is well made, and the budget was more than sufficient to turn this into a Scooby-Doo type of fun horror, or something similar to Wes Craven movies. But no such luck. The teenagers are just annoying, they talk nonsense, the humour is abysmal, there is no payoff to any scene, and the whole thing is just tonally confusing and utterly illogical. This shouldn't even be considered a finished script, as the ending is abrupt and offers no closure, and the long opening that precedes the opening credits has absolutely nothing to do with the rest of the film. I kept asking myself: what am I even watching? The truth is, the filmmakers didn't know what they were doing, so the audience really stood no chance in making sense out of it. Any moderately talented screenwriter could take this script and make it a lot more coherent and enjoyable for watching if you gave them just a few hours to rewrite it. A total waste of what could have been a fun teenage movie.
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