A safe and familiar path
16 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Alright here me out: The episode? Enjoyable. Was it good? It was ok. And the only reason it was 'ok', is because they know this episode would be 'enough'. A family moves to murder house with their daughter who has psychological problems, she gets bullied at school and kills/scares the bullies in the basement. Sounds familiar? Yes, because they've literally pulled this in season 1 of AHS. A spin-off is a show based on the same universe as the original show, with new storylines, a new plot etc. This was the most BASIC storyline they could pull. For the people who say it's good: it only feels good because it feels familiar. Don't be satisfied so fast. Just because they are back in murder house and because you get a nostalgic feeling doesn't mean it's good. Nothing new, no new plot, just really familiar. A spin-off means new opportunities, and they choose the safe familiar path where nostalgia is the only reason why this episode was enjoyable.
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