Swept Away (1974)
The original is definitely much more better
16 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I was watching the 2003 version of swept away and it was horrible to begin with I will write a review on the movie at their site.

But first about this movie let me start by saying it doesn't stand the test of time but is still believable that the relationship turns into something real in the island.. A lot of scene and dialogue seems real especially Gennarino demanded Lanzetti to call him Mr. Carrunchio not master as the remake done it although there is violence but it was kept minimal comparative to the remake

What make this a classic Italian movie is the content and the dialogue is much more believable and half way through the movie I truly believe there is love in the air for them

The final act is much more simple compared to the remake And I'm a bit disappointed because it does not show the struggle of Gennarino.
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